Whitepaper Brand Portal for government agencies

Organizing communication with an autonomous IT platform


Content whitepaper:

  • Communication process including IT
  • Challenges in the IT area
  • Disconnecting the IT solution
  • Four communication tips
  • An autonomous communication platform: The Brand Portal
  • Benefits Brand Portal for Governments
  • Possibilities of the Brand Portal
  • All in one platform: The Prindustry Brand Portal
  • Customer cases Brand Portal
Whitepaper overheidsinstanties brandportal aanbestedingen drukwerk en IT
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Communication, tenders and IT

As a government body, you do a lot of communicating.

The responsibility for the creation and production of communication materials is usually done via tenders with printing companies or media agencies. This also requires an IT solution. A web platform for (re)ordering the products, requesting quotes or adapting designs for reuse.

For an IT solution in the communication process, governments face some challenges:

  • The tendering partner does not have a (good) online communication portal available.
  • The platform expires with every new tender.
  • The ordering portal has no flexible shell for deviating offers or (price) questions.
  • There is no control on all expressions and expenditures.
  • There is no central IT solution for all communication products that are in the hands of different parties because of different tenders.
  • The platform must be able to connect to other (financial) systems.
Brand Portal Software Solution with Design Editor

Whitepaper offers new insight!

How can you make the process for all your communications more efficient?

In this whitepaper, you will discover how to organise the management, customisation and ordering of print and other communication materials efficiently from one autonomous communication platform, the Brand Portal.

Starting with the idea of disconnecting this digital platform in the procurement process.