Print broker, print manager or graphic specialist … they are all terms that boil down to the same thing when doing business with Gaston van Hout. Gaston started his Gaston Print as of March 2019. Simultaneous to this start, he launched his own webshop allowing him to buy in from different print suppliers. Over a year later, the successful early days have been interrupted by the corona situation. Gaston talks about how his business is doing.
Gaston Print
Starting as self-employed
Gaston has years of experience in the printing industry. When he started for himself, he could therefore count on a good network of relations. With Gaston Print, he works primarily for small and medium-sized businesses. Most of that is local, because it is precisely for that local target group that Gaston can be of value with personal service. “As an independent, I have more time at the front end of the order process. I sit at the table with relationships everywhere and have the most diverse orders. That personal attention gives good energy.”
Unburdening with knowledge
Gaston Print is available for everything in the field of visual communication. From design and advice to file control and ordering. For printing, promotional materials, lettering or corporate clothing. “It’s about being able to totally unburden my customer. The clients I serve want someone who is knowledgeable about communication matters to take care of everything for them. People who already know exactly what kind of printing they want and can also design it themselves are more likely to look online at the big discounters. Price is important to my customers, but delivering the productions completely and properly even more so.”
One-stop-shop with the WhiteLabelShop
In order to offer all graphic productions, Gaston works with various graphic producers. One way he does this is by using the Prindustry platform. Simultaneously with his start-up, he launched his own white-label webshop for Gaston Print. Through links in the platform behind this web shop, Gaston can outsource printing to various suppliers.
“I mainly use the order system in the backend of the webshop. For me, the webshop itself turned out to be mainly a showcase for customers to call. That personal contact is also what Gaston Print is all about. I did test online which products I can offer best, but the demand is very variable. As a result, I buy a variety of print products.”
Products in corona time
The procurement has unfortunately declined significantly in the current corona situation. “A lot of business owners are cutting back now. They spend virtually nothing more on marketing materials. Of course, there is also little to promote when you are looking at events or hospitality. I try to stay in the picture with my clients by calling them and supporting them whenever possible. On social media I regularly promote examples of my products. During this time, I showcase products that can fit current circumstances. For example, puzzle books with their own cover, prevention screens or printed backboards for online meetings. With antiviral and antibacterial printing, I can varnish printed materials with a special water-based varnish. This varnish kills up to 99.5 percent of all bacteria on the printed material. That way, as an entrepreneur, you can still distribute printed matter with peace of mind.”
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