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Brand Portal for
brand owners
This white paper will tell you everything you need to know about how your company can achieve consistent brand management and efficient brand procurement across all locations using one digital brand system.
Brand Portal for
print managers
The customer benefits most from the right expertise in the right spot. A collaboration between a print manager and a software developer provides the best expertise for the procurement of communications.
Brand Portal for
Get more control over the communication of all franchisees by automating your communication management in a Brand Portal! The Corporate Communication will always be in the corporate identity of the franchise formula.
Brand Portal for
government agencies
The white paper describes the advantages of a disconnected IT framework in communication tenders for government agencies: a Brand Portal.
Brand Portal for
your resellers
Learn more about how you as a brand owner, without your own point of sale, can encourage resellers to sell your products.
Customer Portal for
advertising agencies
The benefits of a Brand Portal for large customer accounts. You ensure an efficient process for all communication activities.
Customer Portal for
communication agencies
The brand portal provides your customers with a central platform for creating and ordering their communications, while you control the workflow.
WhiteLabelShop for
In this whitepaper everything about the digital offering of printed matter, including the major challenges and the flexible webshop solution.
WhiteLabelShop for
print suppliers
As a print producer, you can expand your sales territory by joining a unique print marketplace platform.